i come from many generations of teachers, and have 15+ years experience facilitating workshops & trainings around body wisdom, individual & group somatic practice, trauma-informed support skills, writing, bdsm, madness, and healing. i regularly offer workshops & multiweek groups in tiohtià:ke / montréal and online, and i love being booked by organizations, schools, and festivals to facilitate existing or custom programming.
some of my most popular workshops include:
- meeting monsters: a skillshop on shame
- somatics for grounding & containment
- embodied consent
- simple tools for skillful boundaries
- weaving resilient webs: a skillshop on self-accountability
- partners in power: building d/s dynamics
- trauma-informed practice for bodyworkers
- femme/queer lineage writing workshops
- shadow writing workshop
you can check out a review by maranda elizabeth here and read a blog post on little red tarot here.
get in touch with me here.